
Fayetteville Middle School Announcements


Good Morning 

Students: masks should be worn at all times while in the building and we should practice social distancing whenever possible.  When you have finished your lunch, please put your mask back on.

There will be a hoagie day on May 11th, we will take pre-orders on Monday the 10th.  This time they are having a special -  all hoagies are $3.

8th graders, Mrs. Calvert sent an email to your school account with the SHCTC Summer Career Academy flyer. If you are interested in attending the Academy, please read the email and follow the directions. If you have questions, contact your homeroom teacher, Mrs. Calvert, or Mr. Herron. You must be registered by tomorrow.

There will be a HS girls Volleyball open gym on 5/12 from 3-5 for any 8th grade girl interested in play HS volleyball.

Have a great day and As Always … Go Rockets.